my little blog

29-06-24 "comming back lol"

like your divorced dad i was bored enough to come back here hehe, anyway for real i was really busy with studying for my exams, and even tough i was trying to pay attention to lectures i wasn't cappable to concentrate, so i went to doctor and i got "ADHD DRUGS" the one they prescribed whas Dexmethylphenidate which i read that is a more power version of Methylphenidate (wich is meth hehehe (not really)), i researched all of this because i didn't believe that i finally got ADHD meds, and now i think that it was really necesarry finally i can pay attention to my classes, but funnily enough my first semester ended just when i got the meds, so i will have to wait for my second semester to see if they affect my grades, anyway thanks for reading all of this hehe.

25-02-24 "the new internet"

happy new year everyone, i know that i haven't been active here but that's because i have been busy with university stuff, anyway i just wanted to do a post to talk about the new internet or the new morals of the internet really, so i was in a discord server of a content creator that i like and really i was having a good time but my personality is to meme everything i of course don't joke about personal believes (religion, racism or sexuality) but more on events and the actions of the people, so anyway some of the mods there (really all of them) didn't like my jokes and was muted multiple times and finally i got banned, and i don't care that much but i find it funny that the same mods that banned me do the same thing i do but because they do it with more gentle words they are prasied by the comunity and loved by everyone, anyway good to get back to writting funny blogs and also R.I.P twomad lol.

15-08-23 "Music"

I have always wanted to make music. When I was a kid, I learned how to play the violin (barely). Now, I don't remember how to play it, and to be honest, I never wanted to keep playing the violin. I'm more of a piano or electric guitar kinda guy. But I don't have enough money to buy instruments like that, and I fear that I never will. So I'm looking for a 'cheap' MIDI piano. One of the options is the Mpk Mini Mk3, which I found at 130,000 CPL. Hopefully, at the end of the year, I can afford one. I compose music, but I don't have any instruments to play it. Haha, that's life.

04-08-23 "coding"

Today, I saw a video where some guy made a clone of Cookie Clicker (his pronunciation of 'cookie' reminds me of the cookie joke on The Office, second episode of the first season, I think). So I realized how difficult making a game is. I mean, I did know how difficult coding is, but I never had put that much thought into it. Like, look at this page, it's barely working. I've tried many times to learn how to code in languages like C or Python, but for some reason, I never understood them very well. I find that HTML, JS, and CSS are easier to learn and understand with time (I am still learning JS, but you know what I mean). Maybe one day I will try to learn C or Python again, but for now, I have a smooth brain.

meme 1

17-07-23 "photos i took"

Imagen 1 Imagen 2 Imagen 3

Here are some photos I took of mushrooms that I saw on my hike. They are pretty cool-looking (and pretty tasty-looking LOL). So yeah, I had fun on my walk in the forest, it's a pretty place. I didn't take many pictures because I was looking at the landscape, but here are some that I took. See you later, space cowboy.

16-07-23 "nature"

Hello people on my computer!! So today I'm going to the forest to do a little hiking. I like hiking and I think everybody should look at nature. After all, it is the most beautiful thing that the world gave to us. Where I live (Chile), normally places like forests or lakes get trashed and full of garbage. So one can't go without finding trash that really makes me a little angry. So I go to parks that take care of trash, and if you throw garbage, you get fined, which I think is deserved. So yeah, pretty cool place. See you later!! (* ゚ ▽ ゚ *)

12-07-23 "update"

Hello people on my computer!! I've made several changes to this website. From now on, I will be using it only to host my little blog (maybe). It will not be anything too special, but it will be cool for me, and hopefully for you as well. Also i will be looking for another font to use but for now, I'll be using this one (i stole it from Shadok website, hehe). So until then, see you in the next update!